A note about fees for attending the
International Languages Elementary
Chinese Language program (including "Chinese as a Foreign Language" CFL
classes, JK, SK, Grades 1 through 8) does not have a tuition, however,
to cover the additional cost needed for implementing the smaller class
size than the standard class size determined by Ministry of Education,
Parent Association of GRCS recommended a supporting fee of $50 per
student, per school year. The supporting fee is voluntary. Families can
also requests a reduction/waiver. The supporting fee is treated as
charitable contribution. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for
any amount above $20. All the supporting fee collected will be
contributed to the GRCS Parent Association Fund managed by Waterloo
Region Catholic Schools Foundation (WRCSF). WRCSF will issue official
tax receipts. [Note: the fundraising will
not happen for 2024-2025 school year]
- All elementary
registered will be given one set of textbook for free, but will not
provide additional copies if lost.
- 3-year-old
Chinese language course and extracurricular interest courses have
tuition fees on per school term and per course basis (there are two
school terms per school year). The amount of tuition can be found on
the corresponding registration form depending on the course(s) taken.
Students of 3-year-old Chinese language course
will receive one set of textbook for free, but will not provide additional copies if lost.