Arduino and programmable hardware
- 用英语授课
- 推荐给 6 年级或更高年级的学生
- 需要带笔记本电脑
- 不需要带自己的 Arduino 套件,课堂上会提供借用(如果自己有,可以带自己的 Arduino 套件)
电子产品无处不在。 它们几乎存在于我们使用的所有物品中,例如汽车、相机、电话、交通信号灯、冰箱,甚至我们的智能牙刷。 它们对我们的世界产生了重大影响。 想象一下,如果您学会了如何使用这些电子设备,想一想您将能干多少有意思的事情!
Arduino 是一个流行的微处理器平台系列,通过Arduino这个可编程硬件平台,您将学习微控制器的软件和硬件技能组合,例如闪烁
LED、制作面包板电路以及显示屏上的温度或距离传感器信息。 最后,您将使用您的想象力和您在课程中学到的技能来构建您自己的个人项目。
Arduinos 的更多信息!
- 在面包板上和 LED 制作电路
- C++ 编程基本概念
- Arduino 到计算机的通信
- Arduino 与 Minecraft 集成
General info
- Taught in English
- Recommended for students grade 6 or higher
- Students are required to bring their laptops to class
- Arduino kits are not required as components will be provided for burrowing (although bring your kit if you have one)
- If you would like, you may purchase an Arduino kit here.
Electronics are everywhere. They are found in almost everything we use, such
as fridges, cars, cameras, phones, traffic lights, and even our toothbrushes.
They have played a significant impact on our world. What if you could also make
an impact? Imagine how much power you would have if you learned how to work
with these electronics.
Arduino programming class is all about utilizing the power of technology.
You will learn a combination of software and hardware skills using the Arduino
microcontroller such as blinking LEDs, making breadboard circuits, and
temperature or distance sensor information on a display. In the end, you will build
your own personal project using your imagination and the skills you have
learned in the course.
Check out this video to
learn more about Arduinos!
What you will learn this term
- Making circuits with LEDs on the breadboard
- Fundamental C++ concepts
- Arduino and computer serial communication
- Arduino integration with Minecraft