WCDSB Partnership Announcement

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Grand River Chinese School

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Announcement about Partnership between
Grand River Chinese School and
Waterloo Catholic District School Board
April 16, 2009
Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) authorizes Grand River Chinese School (GRCS) to announce their partnership beginning in September 2009 as follows:
1. The Saturday Chinese language program of GRCS (except the 3-year-old class) will be converted to the WCDSB elementary international language program.
2. WCDSB will further offer Chinese language secondary credit program.
3. The unique and well-recognized 3-year-old Chinese language program of GRCS will continue to be offered by GRCS without government funding.
4. GRCS will continue to offer extracurricular interest courses that the community needs.
5. All the above WCDSB and GRCS programs are non-religious.
6.The above programs will be operated at the new site located at Resurrection Catholic Secondary School, 455 University Ave. West, Kitchener.
7. Further implementation details will be announced later.

FAQ on the Above Announcement (click to vew)


New School Facility after September 09